“Crayon Shin-chan Kasukare Cinemabox” is a series that features different Crayon Shin-chan characters all snuggled up in a moviehouse chair! Each miniature item is highly detailed!
This series has six super cute miniatures that you can collect to complete this set of Crayon Shin-chan collectibles! Re-Ment miniatures are famous keepsakes in Japan because of their cuteness and meticulous attention to detail. Each package comes blind-boxed so every order is a wonderful surprise!
A highly-detailed collectible miniature from the Crayon Shin-chan Kasukare Cinemabox series
The series has a total of 6 miniature designs
This is a miniature collectible not recommended for small children
Manufactured by Re-Ment
By ordering, you’ll receive 1 random design out of 6 mini collectibles